
Star prisoner

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Image:Monkey's dad

Twenty light-years from earth, there is a star named Gliese581 by humans. At this moment, a moon-sized starship is proudly moored in its core that glows with red blood.

In the starship, the executive colonel resigned to the supreme commander happily:” The commander-in-chief, according to the collected wave of thought, shows that the wisdom lives here are not aware of the harm of the observation. Obviously, in the long river of life that lasted nearly 10,000 years, they Every moment is wasting observation resources. According to the Interstellar Constitution, we have the right to imprison them without negotiating.”

The field of thought around the commander seemed to be forever radiating with a red glow. Executive colonel goes out.

After two cosmic hours, the surface of the star flashed with countless terrifying flares at the same time, and glaring white light shot from inside the red star. Out the sight of the speed of light, the whole surface of the star suddenly rises from the silver fog. The silver fog that clings to the star swells more and more like a balloon. It swiftly passes through the void and passes over the planet. It has been extended to tens of millions of kilometers before it abruptly stops.

From a point of view other than a light year, the Gliese581 at this moment has become a glowing silver light bulb with stars as fuses. After careful observation, it can be found that the most peculiar part of this large light bulb is that the layer of material outside the bulb can reflect electromagnetic waves in all wavelength bands. In other words, if you are in a light bulb, you will never see the world outside the bulb.

Long-distance cars are as bumpy as ever. Li Mo took out the smoke stupefied, turned to look at the sleeping wife and child, and put the cigarette back in his pocket.

What a terrible journey? Li Mo clasped his head, tears slammed down. Seven years of marriage, but never let my wife really happy, no wonder she would leave me. However, why is it now? Why should he be afflicted with the separation of the flesh when the child understands the personnel? It is my own fault to think carefully. Why do I always give my wife hope? If you concentrate on your own work and don’t think about the illusion of brilliance, it’s estimated that she’s gone long ago. Why wait until now?
Think of it here, a voice in the mind, a good subject matter, you can completely write it as another novel. Li Mo quickly pulled out a notebook from his pocket – Interesting, don’t be stupid. Another sound struck coldly. Your article is worthless. This is a proven fact. Completely abandon your fantasies. Go back to work honestly. Your wife has lost everything. Do you still want to lose something, son?

Li Mo hand loose, notepad fell to the foot. He glanced at his wife, and his wife’s beautiful face was affixed to the back of an uncomfortable chair, and he had already been given several deep impressions. The notepad was lying solitary and he hesitated for a moment until he stooped to pick it up and carefully put it back into his pocket.

This is a luxury trip, at least for him.

When the wife decides to leave completely, he can face it, but what about the child? When he grew up, how could he explain it to him? They both spent a lot of brains. In the end, they said to their son that mother is going to work on the stars you like. When you miss mam, you can look up at the stars. How can a five-year-old son understand the mystery of adults? Hands dance to let her mother walk with him. Mother had told him that the stars are too high, you’re so small, accidentally fall broke how to do? The son calmed down, stared at his head for a moment, and suddenly asked, on which star did my mother work? The sky is so big. How can I find your star? The mother replied casually that I would go for every single star. I could jump on the stars, jump from the one to the sink, and jump from this one to that one. So, mun is on every star.

At that time, it was night. When my son looked up at the sky, he burst into tears. I wouldn’t let my mother go. My mother would stay at home. OK? They were paralyzed, think what the son had not noticed, he rushed forward to comfort his son. The son cried for a while before pointing to the night sky, saying that there was so little star that his mother jumped on it and accidentally fell down. Li Mo nose is sour. dear son, there are so many stars in the sky that his mother will not fall down. The wife also accompanies the martyrdom, yes ah yes, mam will not fall. The son cried and said, I don’t believe it. You see, it’s just a few. The two men raised their heads now. In the large night sky, only a few scattered small eyes are shaking. How can you see a lot of stars in your city? Looking at his wife’s resolute look, Li Mo thought for a moment and said in a loud voice, well, son, dad, let you see the real starry sky.

“Current target number: GR0718; Evolutionary phase: The main sequence is medium; data show that the star is surrounded by eight planets, of which there are civilized physical signs on the third planet.”The starship successfully transitioned to the core of another star, and the colonel was executed to report to Commander General.

In front of the commander there was a simulation run of the galaxy. What an elegant and refined system, it can be said that adding one point is too complicated and cut one point is too simple. His field of thought is still pale blue, but he is disappointed with the depths of his mind. According to experience, the civilizations graced by a beautiful astronomical system are usually weak, and his fleet is simply not available, and can only continue to perform the task of engineering soldiers.

The commander simply erased the running chart, and the article that made him puzzled by the ancient text was challenging. It could be said that this paragraph was the only harvest that made him shine.
Several cosmic months ago, when the starship searched for a target, it accidentally intercepted a strange message from the gravitational waves. Just as the information was deciphered, the starship central processing system signal lights began flashing. If the commander arrived in time, it was afraid that even the central system would suffer irreparable damage. Faced with information that the central system could not decipher, the commander decided to personally decipher. After a month of cosmic time, with millions of years of experience and experience, he finally solved a few paragraphs:

At that time, even if an individual died,
Your universe will become magnanimous
Later wisdom lives
Which of you know
Invisible walls everywhere

The staff officer looked at the property information of the relics and the thinking field flashed a rare blue light.”Commander, this piece of information has a history of at least 10 billion years. Maybe 20 billion years is also possible. It is the oldest civilization information obtained by the Star Alliance!”

The record officer couldn’t help but congratulate him:”Commander Hsu, with this ancient relic, you can completely leave a name in the vast history of Interstellar. As far as I know, for the league, the history of ten billion years ago was blank, and my teacher had spent the rest of his life trying to explore this gap and eventually got only one sentence.”

“What did he get?”The commander heard the record officer also made a very rare opinion, the interest was even higher. In the coalition, the record officers are self-contained, and they only objectively record everything they see in order to prepare for the supervision of the coalition. Usually, they do not express their opinions. Today, even the record officer also expressed his opinions, showing how important this information is.

“There was a war-like mess in that era.”The record officer answered.

“War-like chaos? Be rather baffling。”The staff officer disapproved.

“There are no inexplicable things. History has always been a simple repetition. The commander said,”We must make clear the history, but unfortunately we lack opportunities.”

In the ensuing journey, the commander even focused his energies on cracking the remnants. The boring Star Prisoner program was actually taken over by the staff officer.

Looking at the motionless commander, the chief of staff knew that the commander was in deep thought again. He sends out an execution signal and the executive colonel to start sampling according to the established procedure.

A very thin wave of light stretched out from inside the star like a whisker and flew straight to the third planet. Eight minutes later, the front of the light wave changed like a jellyfish into a transparent giant mouth and swallowed the entire planet.

Fortunately, this light wave is only a listener. Its task is to probe the brain waves on the planet and do not have any influence on the planet itself.

The information processing system quickly got the results of the analysis and he was hesitant to implement the colonel.”The staff officer, nearly five thousand years of civilization, is also wasting observation resources. According to the collected wave of thought, the wisdom of life here seems to have no consciousness. The hazard to the observation…”

“Seems? The mind of the staff officer shook up.”Colonel, I have to remind you that this term is not allowed in the observation report.”

“Yes, sir. I know what I am talking about, but this is actually the case. They are not aware of the hazards of observation, but at least one living entity is seriously thinking about this matter, so they cannot be absolutely defined as a waste of resources. The colonel was a little nervous, and he answered with his words.
The Chief of Staff immediately asked,”You, Commander, may only be able to give you a clear definition of this situation.”
The commander woke up from his contemplation, and after a while he said,”Send the living body here.”

The officer’s thinking field flashed a bit, and the commander asked,”Did you think differently?”

The staff officer noticed the record officer next to him.”Lord Commander, from the report point of view, the living body did not clearly recognize the hazards of the observations. Perhaps it was just an active thinking living being delusional, even an abnormal thinking. The living body may also have ideas ahead. Since they did not scientifically understand this problem, it proved that the 5000 years of measurement had indeed been wasted, and they did not have the qualifications to negotiate. If he were to upload to the starship negotiations, according to the law of the alliance, he must obtain his consent before he could imprison the Earth. At that time, we must face such low-level creatures. We must also negotiate with him. Will that be awkward? At the same time, he reported to the commander on the military encryption channel.”Obviously, if we do not negotiate, we can save the two cosmic hours, and we can also save on the observation of 6 billion living things.”

The commander said in a loud voice:”The Chief of Staff, we have never negotiated with the imprisoned civilization since the Star Prisoner project. It is time for the negotiating rate to become one.”In the encrypted channel, he explained to the staff officer,”Your idea is very practical. The record officer will record the entire law enforcement process in a concise manner and store it in the Star Alliance file. Too tyrannical, it will not benefit you or me. GR0718 civilization is weak and introverted, and you are also clear that manipulating them is very simple. Since they are lucky enough to meet the standards, why don’t we use this to dilute the strong military colors on the starship?”

The thinking field of the staff officer flashed a series of mauve colors that expressed the worship.”Commander wise!”

The recordator’s field of thinking also flashed the beige color of approval.”Commander, as a record officer, I have no power to express my opinions, but I stand by my personal opinion and support your decision.”

When the long-distance bus arrived at Yanshi Rock, it was dusk. Li’s family could not afford to admire the majestic towering sky towers and hurried to find a hotel to stay. What they want to see is only the starry night sky.

At last the night came. Li Mo led his wife’s hand silently into the wilderness, darkening the surrounding peaks and swaying the end of the world with a flock of demons. The son is elated. The stars in the sky are so much better that they can be linked together. Li Mo touched the big head of his son.”There are more stars in the sky. It’s so much that I can make my mother jump in and out, and she can’t fall off, right?”

The son nodded hard,”Yes, yes, my mother must not fall.”

The wife’s hand was getting tighter and tighter. Obviously, this kind of separation made her difficult to give up. But, when one’s heart flew away, why should her people be firmly tied to the stake? For some time, the son seemed to be in touch with their minds, hugged her mother’s hand and looked at the starry sky calmly.
The three individuals are in harmony with nature, and only one person knows the taste.

The son fell asleep in his mother’s arms. Li Mo said, let him sleep again. The wife agreed, half a year, his wife hadn’t rebelled against him for the first time. Li Mo wry smile, his life should be so, who let them love a career type of woman?

Li Mo felt the darkness rushed from all directions in the moment of turning off the lights in bed, making it difficult for him to breathe. Life, this is the life? He tried not to think about these things, but forced him to conceive works using his usual spiritual transfer method. Indeed, he can only feel happy when he is immersed in the creation of his thoughts – perhaps it is for this reason that he left his wife far away.

The microscopic world is not observable. Every observation will cause the corresponding wave function to collapse. However, is there really a difference between micro and macro? If there is a difference, where is the limit? If not, then observations will also lead to the collapse of the macro-world, or, when the observations accumulate to critical values, the entire universe will collapse. Think of it here, Li Mo laughed. The majestic, unpredictable universe could also burst like a soap bubble. The reason is simply because mankind is constantly watching it—what awkward humanity is.
There was no light outside the window and the stars caught their eyes. In the skeleton, a very thin line emerged from the west quickly and swiftly, like a sharp dagger, quickly dividing the sky into two parts. This is definitely not a meteor, because it is a bright line. No matter how long it extends, the trailing trail is still bright. Incredibly, the bright line is rushing toward Li Mo’s window.

The room was bright and bright immediately. Li Mo looked up at his wife and children, and the two still slept. He tried to yell, but he could not make any sound. The white light is getting stronger and longer, and all the scenes are submerged in white light. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to twist his leg to verify that in the dream, his hand was empty, and his legs disappeared. He touched it up again, but there was nothing in the buttocks, buttock, belly, and chest. Li Mo understood that the arm did not exist. The so-called reaching out was just a command from the brain, just like an illusion. But at the moment, at least he still has a brain or the soul? Is this the soul?

The white light finally dissipated, and when he saw the body again, everything that had been there had disappeared without a trace. Looking up, purple glow fills the huge dome. In the glow, hundreds of thousands of needles can be clearly seen. Where is there?

“Our real hometown. A voice rang melodiously throughout the space.
Li Mo shuddered all over and found himself in a world of purely geometric shapes. There are several spheres of light shining in front of each other. A pyramid-shaped vertebral body and some cubes are randomly placed next to the sphere. There are also various geometric bodies such as egg-shaped bodies and cones not far away.
Li Mo’s brain is blank.

“Fear is not necessary. We will not do any harm to you. The commander found that the living body in front of him was terrified and immediately comforted him with the earth language he had just learned.

Li Mozhen set aside and realised that only he was in danger and his wife and children were not here. Oh, what better news than this? He was relieved for a long time and found himself miraculously calmed down - as long as his wife and children were safe, even if their lives were secondary, my honey, do you know?

“Indeed is a leader in earth civilization. You are entitled to negotiate on behalf of the whole planet and the Star Alliance.”Seeing Li Mo’s physiological index gradually stabilize, the commander was very surprised. According to experience, similar organisms encounter such a large environmental change and usually require several cosmic hours to recover.

“Negotiation? Star Alliance? What is this place?”Li Mo gazes at the blinking sphere in front of his eyes and murmurs subconsciously.
“According to the information display, your brain once thought about the unobservable problem of the universe. Frankly speaking, this idea is correct, and because you have thought correctly, the earth will receive a glimmer of light.”

A different kind of feeling came to Li Mo. Is this what I have never experienced?

The commander then said:”Of course, you do not have the ability to confirm this fact. Therefore, the Star Alliance’s decision on humans can only increase the macrofilm radius, giving you more space.”

Li Mo listened in a confused way, slow said,”where is this? How can you develop civilization without your hands and feet? Is it my dream?”

The other sphere also flickered. This time it was the staff officer.”This is not a dream. At this moment, we are in star GR0718 – that is what you call the Sun.”

“Oh?! Li Mo’s mouth widened.

“There is no need to be surprised. Only in the core of the star can we get enough energy to jump in space. The geometric appearance is just a kind of self-selection. The staff officer said,”There are so many civilizations in the universe that are continuously observing. It is bound to destroy all civilizations. We need to control the observation of all civilizations. Earthman, since you have recognized the hazards of observation, you should agree with our approach.”

“Excuse me.”Li Mo thought for a moment and asked,”who has given you such a power?”

The commander interrupted his words with dignity:”There is no need to waste time on this kind of issue. There must always be civilizations to stand up and protect the universe. If a civilization has observed the universe for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, it has found no harm to the universe. Do you think that such a civilization is still qualified to continue to observe the universe?”

Li Mo opened his mouth, but dared not speak again. He had to change his subject and whispered,”Your coalition has the ability to cross the stars. The earth is just a dust. You have to control our observation activities. You won’t use… The original method?”He swallowed a saliva and stared nervously at the blue light that was emitting in front of him, for fear that he would make a positive reply.

“You mean destruction? It is rude and incompetent. We will never do that. The Star Alliance is just to reduce the redundant observations of the universe. Just like…” The commander paused and his field of thought spread out, combined with a hemispherical cloud-like matter not far away.”Oh, just like you control carbon dioxide emissions in each country in order to protect the earth. In the ‘Copenhagen Accords’, no event of ethnic extinction will occur.”
“But the ‘Copenhagen Accord’ has no use at all. If it is not approved by all countries, this agreement will be difficult to implement. Li Mo retorted.

“That’s because you don’t have the appropriate technical means to help solve the problem, but we have this kind of means. For civilizations that consume only observables and do not realize the hazards of observations, we will enforce them; and for civilizations that do not waste observations and measures, we will negotiate agreements with its representatives.”

“Enforced? Agreement execution? What do you want to do? Li Mo’s palm was wet. He wondered why he was so concerned about the future of mankind. At one time, he thought that only heroic talents would have such a sense of mission.

“The star will be covered with a macro film. This canopy reflects all electromagnetic waves. Simply put, the life on the planet can’t observe any stars beyond the sky. Fortunately, because of your presence, we decided to build a macro film on the asteroid belt outside of Mars. You can still see five large objects in the sky. When you are lucky, there will be several comets that come in. Embellish the sky.”A weird idea that for the first time in the commanding field of the commander’s mind flew in a fleeting, calm, pale blue light. He froze, murmured,”Perhaps several hundred years later, in humanity In consciousness, the entire universe is within the asteroid belt.”

“What if we resist?” Li Mo asked with great care.

“I hope so. The task of letting the entire alliance’s most advanced starships to perform engineering missions was originally to be used as a chopper, but the use of starships was to prevent certain unknown advanced civilizations from interfering with the”Star Prisoner Project.” Unfortunately, several cosmic years have passed and we have not used force yet. As for the earth…” the commander sighed softly.

“So, do we have the right to remove this film on our own? In theory, the solar system is ours. Li Mo involuntarily glanced around for a while – what are these, simple and clear appearance, can not distinguish between life and equipment.

“After seeing the macro membrane with your own eyes, you will not have this idea. Humans want to destroy macro membranes, roughly equivalent to ants feeding dams.”The tone of the commander’s tone was flat and there was no sign of anger.

Thousands of miles of embankment, collapsed in the ant spot. Li Mo flashed an idiom in his mind, but after all, destroying the dam was water, not the ant. If the macro membrane is so fragile, why should the Star Alliance come to build it? Since it cannot be destroyed, then we still have a way to stop it. But we can only be ordinary people. What methods can we use to block the chariots that drive the universe?

“I am an ordinary man, commander, and I am not qualified or able to take on this important task. You should negotiate with the United Nations that represents mankind. Moreover, the starry sky…” Li Mo was awake and his son looked into the eyes of the starry sky, What would happen if there was no starry sky?

“Starry sky! You can’t block the sky, it is the driving force for human development!”He shouted desperately.

“Speaking of the importance of the stars, it is not only for you but also for all civilizations. Because of your existence, the Star Alliance has set aside five celestial bodies for humanity, which is the biggest concession in the league. What we need to do now is that you agree to imprison the Earth and then end this negotiation.”The tone of the commander became impatience.

Li Mo tried hard to recall the negotiation scene in the novel, but found nothing. In desperation, he no longer scruples,”If I do not agree?”

“You don’t know yet. The space contraction caused by observations can happen in the part of the universe. Since humans can observe other people at random and others have the same power to observe humans, you can’t argue. If you know that observations are harmful and you still disagree with imprisonment, then the stellar GR0718 area will be declared observable—don’t forget that all intelligent life is curious. After the commander dropped the sentence, the ball was quiet and there was no more speech.

If so, the earth will undoubtedly be partially deflated. Li Mo is standing in the same place and does not know what to do. The Star Alliance must have some concerns, otherwise why would you have to allow yourself to be confined?

“If you want to do something for humans, go and find out about the process of building a membrane. At least you can leave a record for later generations.”A voice came from the side.

Li Mozhu went to prestige. A pyramidal cone was emitting a soft green light.

“Who are you?”

“The Star Alliance Records Officer is responsible for accurately recording the implementation of each ‘Star Prisoner Project’ for the Union’s supervision.”

The giant macro membrane generator was built outside the command cabin. It was a silver ball suspended in the air with a diameter of ten meters. Approaching the ball, Li Mo involuntarily extended his hand and looked back at the executive colonel who was following the cube. The colonel smiled.”No problem, you can touch it with your hand.”

Li Mo put his hand on the surface of the silver ball. A kind of warm and creamy feeling is uploaded from the hand – is it, will let my son lose all hope?

“Mr. Colonel, can me look at the true features of the macro film? For this I will remember my life.”

“You could touch it for you help.”The colonel replied.

“Oh? I thought it was just a launcher. Li Mo noticed that the surface of the silver ball rippled from time to time. The original surface of the silver ball was not solid, and the macro film was firmly adsorbed around the core. Li Mo’s eyes revealed a hint of doubt. With this thing, it can cover the entire sky and reflect all light?

The colonel looked at his expression and said contemptuously:”Retract your suspicions. Later, you will see that it continues to penetrate several planets and solidify in the asteroid belt, and then you will understand what starlight is no longer and the night is out of light.”

“Is this terrible process destroyed Earth together? Li Mo suddenly worried.

“In addition to causing severe solar storms, there is no more impact on the Earth. Do not forget that they can easily penetrate any object.”The colonel said proudly.

“Since nothing can stop it, what do you use for transportation and preservation? Li Mo asked, puzzled.

“Speed is its container. It can only penetrate everything when it is close to the speed of light.”Looking at Li’s incomprehensible eyes, the colonel explained,”At low speed, you can use gravity to bind it to any object; when it is stimulated, it will rush at the speed of light, and the consumption of energy will make the speed slower; When it falls below the critical speed, it will stop abruptly. According to calculations, after reaching the asteroid belt, the modelling material just falls below the critical speed and they will complete the transformation there and become an unbreakable film.”Looking at Li Mo’s stunned expression, the colonel motioned a red line a few meters away.”See the red line? When we detonate for a while, we can watch outside the red line.”

“Does not need any protective equipment?”

“No need. The formation of membranes will be accelerated to the speed of light in an instant. At that time they have not even reached the red line. That is to say, beyond the red line, they can penetrate all objects.”

“What about the red line?”

“It’s hell, because they haven’t achieved critical speed and can’t penetrate objects. Having hundreds of millions of degrees of heat to build membranes will evaporate everything.”

“So…” Li Mo thought for a moment.”Perhaps I can throw some objects into the red line. Although it will be evaporated, it can also block a very small part of the material flow, so that it can make a hole in the sky. What?”

The colonel froze a bit and looked at Li Mo.”It is feasible. Unfortunately, there is nothing left around you, no matter to throw away. Oh, yes, when I sent you from the earth, in order to take care of the poor shame of humanity, I passed the clothes by the way. If you are not afraid to go back naked, you can throw your clothes into the red line.”

“Commander.”Li Mo suddenly said loudly,”If you meet one of my small requirements, I will agree that you are imprisoning the Earth.”

“If you do not agree? After a certain period of time, the voice of the commander passed over. Obviously, the ancient relics plagued him again.

“I thought about it. In your eyes, the earth is just a dust. If you are affected by the destruction of a grain of dust, you must not want to see it. Since the Earth can only be imprisoned with my consent, please be sure to agree to this condition, and, for you, this condition is insignificant. Li Mo said with a clear cut.
“Say your conditions.”

“When the generator was started, I threw everything I had on my body into the red line. This would give the earth another glimmer of light. That’s it.”

“Okay, it is so decided.”

Executive colonel move to the generator’s edge, the deep blue field of thought drastically expanded and the macromembrane generator was enveloped. Then several bright spots flashed in the field of thought. The highlights skillfully touched the generator.

The colonel retired to the red line and said slyly:”Mr. Human, ten seconds later the filming material will erupt, and you hurry to undress.”

The countdown starts, 10, 9, 8, 7…

Li Mo has no action. Suddenly he panicked. The aliens said they did it. He hadn’t even been mentally prepared.

6, 5…

Li Mo can only think, a prophecy, I really came to the starry sky, wife, let’s tune up.

4, 3…

Li Mo walked to the cordon and did a undressing movement. He was drowsy and did not even know why he did it…

2, 1…

There was no time to hesitate. He struggled to open his arms and rushed toward the giant generator…


When the blue-violet light surged out of the generator, his whole body was firmly fixed on the generator.

In front of the colonel, a group of blue-violet light balls with a deep shadow of human figures emerged. This figure seems to have crossed his body and actually pushed him back a few steps. He was paralyzed and did not know where this power came from.

“Lord commander, the earthman has made a bizarre gesture, using his own body to block some of the building material, which is expected to leave a large area of exposure to the earth. I didn’t think of this.”The colonel shyly reported to the commander.

The commander did not speak, the field of thought flickered, and it seemed that he was considering a major issue.

The Chief of Staff stated:”The commander-in-chief, even if we completely disregard this planet, will not really affect the entire universe. It is only a dust.”

The commander still did not speak.

On the other side of the globe, the White House.

The secretary of the president rushed into the spacious office and said in a panic:”Mr. President, the emergency report came from the Observatory - through the observation of the astronomical telescope, there are numerous giant flares on the surface of the sun. This … has never happened before. He said as he took a photo,”You see, this is their observation record.”

In the photo, glaring white light bursts from the red sun’s surface, tearing the sun’s surface apart.

“After one day, all the communication facilities on Earth will be out of order. Perhaps, the satellites in the sky will be destroyed.”The secretary rubbed his hands helplessly.

The President took this into consideration and immediately ordered:”To prevent some people from looting, order the regular troops to enter the battle immediately.”

Deep in the Taihang Mountains, the night was already very deep. Li Mo’s wife suddenly awakened from his sleep. She habitually bumped her husband into her hands, but she was empty. She stood up and her son was still asleep. The fine breath sounded sad. She put on her slippers and turned around in the house. She did not find any trace of her husband. There was always something wrong, she thought, looking back, out of the window… the stars outside the window disappeared. Is it cloudy?

She quickly walked outside. At this moment, the night breeze, there is no sign of cloudy, the original blue sky washed out of the sky a faint silver light, deep night seemed to suddenly close a lot, people feel that the sky seems to cover a layer of faint white clouds.

“The galaxy burst its banks.”Some people whispered in the distance. She noticed that many people were pointing at the sky in the courtyard.

“Look, there are still stars.”Looking in the direction of the crowd, she looked up and reflected on the sky with faint silver-gray light. In the eastern sky, a starry sky was rising. It is said to be a star because the entire night sky is empty beyond this starry sky. The starry sky and the surrounding sky are clearly defined, as if it were a shape cut out with scissors on the sky, and this shape is a human form.

The wife suddenly felt that the figure was familiar and familiar as a husband. Yes, this is not Li Mo’s figure? How did his shadow go to heaven?

Li Mo really disappeared out of thin air. She took her child in the mountain village for three days. There was still no whereabouts of Li Mo. She had to say to her son that Dad replaced her mother with the stars and went to work. When she was thinking of Dad, she would look at the sky. He is now on the stars. Jump to and fro.

When it comes to this, she will look up at the night sky. There are still stars in the eye-catching figure in the night sky. Looking through the telescope, there are still numerous stars. At this time, the son smiled and proudly showed off to his partner. My father worked on it. You see, that figure is what my dad painted.

The starship continued its”Star Prisoner Project.” During this time, the commander was always silent, and the staff officer could not help but ask,”Have Commander, the little life of that star still leaves you in arms?”

“Yes, that life has always remained in my memory.”The commander said bluntly”.

“That’s not your fault.”The staff officer comforted him.

“The survival of life is nothing more than the transformation of the particle structure.”The commander’s field of thought issued a green light to show negation,”said the ancient remnant, ‘At that time, even if an individual died/ Your universe will become magnanimous/ Later wisdom lives/ Which of you know/ Invisible walls everywhere’ Looking at what that life has done, I understand one thing. In the war of ten billion years ago, the battle for contention was observation and we were very likely to be defeated. The great universe used some unknown means to imprison us. In a small universe resembling bubbles. At that time, no living body stood out to break through the boundaries of the universe in such a tragic manner. If there were such living organisms, perhaps our universe would not be more than 10 billion light-years away from this region.”

“You mean…” The staff officer was stunned, and the recorder’s field of thought flashed.”Originally, we were also imprisoned?”
“This paragraph can only be explained in this way.”The commander no longer speaks, turning his thoughts to the endless void outside the porthole.

Looking toward the sky, there should be more bright stars there.

Source:“Science Fiction World” January 2011
Author: Zhang Guoxin,Painter: Monkey’s dad