
Digimons eight heroes badges and other pictures to enjoy

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Cover 1999vs2015

Theme song

无限大な梦のあとの 何もない世の中じゃ

Behind the endlessly extended dream, through the ruthless world

OVA Digimon Adventure tri. Final Chapter Our Future theme song

OVA “Digimon Adventure tri. Final Chapter Our Future” theme song
デジモンアドベンチャー tri. 第6章「ぼくらの未来」EDテーマ

Singer sequence

The beginning is Mr. Wata (Wata Koji), followed by Taichi. Then Meiko, then Joe & Sora. Then Hikari. Then Koushiro. Then Takeru & Mimi Then Sora sing, Yamato accompaniment. And then Joe again. Then Mimi sing, Yamato accompaniment. Then Takeru. Then Taichi. Then Yamato. Then Sora sang and then chorused with Koushiro. Then Joe. Then Meiko. Then Mimi sang and then chorused with Hikari. The end of the first paragraph.
The second paragraph begins. AIM sang, then Mr. Miyazaki. Then Taichi chorused with Hikari. Then Mr. Miyazaki. Then AIM. Then Takeru chorused with Meiko. Then Taichi.
Yamato accompaniment. Then Joe. Then Takeru. Yamato accompaniment agian, it’s tragic. Then Koushiro. Then Sora. Then Yamato. Then Takeru sang and then chorused with Meiko. Then Mimi. Then Hikari. Then Koushiro sang and then chorused with Joe. Then call each other names.
Then Mr. Miyazaki. Then AIM. Then Miyazaki chorused with AIM.Then Wata Koji chorused with them. Last full chorus. The end.

— Commentary from Netease Cloud Music’s “Angemon & Wata”


Badge of Courage
Belonging to the Yagami Taichi, the image of the badge is the sun, symbolizing warmth and enthusiasm.

Friendship Badge
Belonging to Ishida Yamato, the image of the badge is a two-piece magatama,symbolizing fusion.

Love Badge
Belonging to Takenouchi Sora, the image of the badge is the heart, symbolizing motherhood and unrequited love.

Knowledge Badge
Belonging to Izumi Koushiro, the image of the badge is OOPARTS: an abbreviation of Out-Of-Place Artifacts, a prehistoric antiquities that was unearthed where it should not have appeared, symbolizing the unknown.

Honest Badge
Belonging to Kido Joe, the image of the badge is two crosses, symbolizing a firm oath.

Pure Badge
Belonging to Tachikawa Mimi, the image of the badge is teardrop, symbolizing love and cleanliness.

Hope Badge
Belonging to Takaishi Takeru, the image of the badge is a meteor, which symbolizes a light that strikes the heart.

Light Badge
Belong to Yagami Hikari. The image of the badge is a flower, symbolizing the center of everything.

The protagonist and the Digimons

Yagami Taichi with Koromon etc.
Yagami Taichi with Koromon, Agumon, Greymon, Metal Greymon, War Greymon

Ishida Yamato with Tsunomon etc.
Ishida Yamato with Tsunomon, Gabumon, Garurumon, Were Garurumon, Metal Garurumon. Were Garurumon finally stood up but went back when at ULTIMATE state.

Takenouchi Sora with Pyokomon etc.
Takenouchi Sora with Pyokomon, Piyomon, Birdramon , Garudamon,Hououmon

Izumi Koushiro with Tentomon etc.
Izumi Koushiro with Tentomon, Kabuterimon, AtlurKabuterimon, Heracles Kabuterimon, Herakle Kabuterimon A programmer with Bugmon (Kabuterimon is a bug),what is a good showφ(>ω<*)

Tachikawa Mimi with Tanemon etc.
Tachikawa Mimi with Tanemon, Palmon, Togemon, Lilymon, Rosemone The Lilymon is a fat counterattack ah, Togemon: Why my picture is only so little.

Kido Joe with Pukamon etc.
Kido Joe with Pukamon, Gomamon, Ikkakumon, Zudomon, Vikemon. The only water factor Digimon in the protagonists group.

Takaishi Takeru with Tokomon etc.
Takaishi Takeru with Tokomon, Patamon, Angemon, Holy Angemon, Seraphimon Despair can not give up hope, badges always shine at the last moment. In addition, in fact, the Patamon → Angemon is wrongly evolved(; ̄д ̄)

Yagami Hikari with Nyaromon etc.
Yagami Hikari with Nyaromon, Plotmon, Tailmon, Angewomon, Holydramon

A visit to your childhood

Taichi with Koromon A visit to your childhood

Yamato with Tsunomon A visit to your childhood

Sora with Pyokomon A visit to your childhood

Koushiro with Tentomon A visit to your childhood

Mimi with Tanemon A visit to your childhood

Joe with Pukamon A visit to your childhood

Takeru with Tokomon A visit to your childhood

Yagami Hikari with Nyaromon A visit to your childhood
In this picture, the ULTIMATE state of Angewomon is Ofanimon

The end

Group photo

Keep on

Keep on

Copyright Notice:
Pictures are collected from the internet, The third section of the picture from the Pixiv painter: winni,Other sources of the picture are unknown. All pictures are not for commercial use.