
“Fate” is one of the well-deserved representative works of Jessi, it tells a story of a lovesick woman waiting for the sweetheart.

As the new year begins, Everything looks fresh and gay.On the occasion of the arrival of the Chinese Dog Year, XianliuGe has been commissioned and finally officially launched on the first day of the New Year!

Jessi, formerly known as Lou Mengxi. Lou Mengxi is not glaring, she wore a cowboy casual wear, a pair of rolled canvas shoes, curled up sitting in the corner of the cafe, a small body and the surrounding noise in contrast. She glanced constantly with great eyes on the patrol, passing a trace of fear, that look is a girl just leave the campus into society generally alert. Born in 1992, she just graduated from Zhejiang University this year, went to an insurance company to do administration, and her work was a little bit complicated. She has just received a 10-day closed-training course in Beijing, mainly about insurance. This is the first time that she has been traveling alone for such a long time.